Valery Pesin - Trees in the Ocean, 2019 @ POLYOT ART AGENCY

"My creative concept is very simple: I like to paint and make exhibitions. I like to meet new people. I love women and children. I love birds and flowers. I love Van Gogh's paintings and Rembrandt's drawings. I love Mozart's music and Borges' stories. I love Brodsky's poems and Borges' stories. I love sunrises in the Crimea and sunsets in the Baltic. I like strong coffee and good tobacco. I love the forest and the sea. I love wind and rain. I love the sun and the stars. I like to walk on the road. I like to look out the window. I like... The artist's life is an escape from dependence on the state, society, system and, at the same time, a path to the Unattainable. Life is a journey, a journey, a movement. Happiness is not in achieving a goal, but in an endless path to it."
Valery Pesin's painting and graphics are barely perceptible, very light. His works, so light and transparent at first glance, have a true temper and a force of attraction. If there is sadness in them, it is light. But the philosophy laid down by the author in the context of the canvas is deep and life-affirming. The co-authors of Valery Pesin's works can be conditionally called Brodsky and Borges, Van Gogh, Rembrandt, Mozart, i.e. good literature, poetry, painting, music; good mood, people, unexpected meetings, all these are components of the complex process of creating the artist's works.
In the 80s of the twentieth century, he belonged to a group of Nonconformists.
2010 - Exhibition, Margot-Art Gallery, Moscow, Russian Federation
2011 - Exhibition, A-3 Gallery, Moscow, Russian Federation
2011 - "Details" Exhibition, Gallery "V", Minsk, Belarus
2012 - Exhibition, Central House of Artists, Moscow, Russian Federation
2013 - Exhibition, ARTCURATOR.RU Gallery, Moscow, Russian Federation
2013 - «Дневник / Diary», Exhibition, Museum of Modern Fine Arts, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
2014 - "After Summer" Exhibition, LaSander-Art Gallery, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
2015 - "Details" Exhibition, from the personal collection of the artist and Evgeny Ksenevich, Center for Contemporary Arts, Minsk, Republic of Belarus.
The works are in collections of
- Museum of Modern Fine Arts, Minsk.
- Contemporary Arts Center, Minsk.
- In the collections of Evgeny Ksenevich (Minsk), Alexander Ivanov (Minsk), Andrey Plesanov (Minsk)